Schedule25® Optimized Class Scheduling

Schedule Your Academic Classes in Minutes

The Schedule25® academic scheduling system automatically figures out the optimal location allocation for your classes, maximizing space efficiency from both a utilization and seat fill ratio perspective. You save weeks of scheduling time, eliminating room conflicts and bottlenecks.


I love the Schedule25 Optimizer! I just placed 700 course sections into the system and got my results in seconds! The data formatting made assignment review and acceptance so easy and quick, I beat my deadline by several days. 

Frances Cottle

Scheduling System Functional Administrator, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Learn More About Schedule25


Make the Best Possible Use of Your Space

Schedule25 evaluates your room inventory and class roster, and automatically determines the optimal matching according to the room features and other requirements you specify.

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Meet Course and Faculty Needs

Set room scheduling requirements according to class proximity, faculty schedules, location preference, and other criteria. You get the most efficient use of space while accommodating everyone’s needs.


Integrated with These Advanced Scheduling Tools

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25Live® Academic and Event Scheduling

Streamlined scheduling, publishing, and resource management.

X25® Master Planning and Reporting

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LYNX SIS Interface

The world’s fastest SIS data transfer — by far! In-house built by CollegeNET developers, the LYNX interface is bi-directional, automated and the most fully featured interface in the marketplace. Unique versions of LYNX provided for every SIS flavor including:

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Learn More About Series25 Scheduling Products