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interview via laptop
The Advanced AI video interview platform for interview practice, career preparation, and hiring

“When we saw StandOut in action – with its AI capacity, productivity, nearly instantaneous feedback to students, and its ability to allow students to re-record and watch their practice interviews so they could work to improve – we just knew it was the right product.”
Bradley Bond, PhD, Dean and Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies

Job Applicants:Get Ready to Ace Your Interview!

Build your interviewing skills and your self-confidence. With StandOut Intelligent Mirror you get personalized AI feedback and advice that helps you learn and improve fast.

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Career Centers: Prepare Your Students for Career Success

With StandOut, your students have anytime interview practice, personalized feedback that helps them improve, and access to asynchronous counseling as your time permits.

Trusted by Top Universities

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On-Campus Hiring: Extend Opportunity to All Students

No more scheduling hassles! Much better communication! StandOut’s super customizable interview platform makes it easy for students to apply and much faster for you to hire.

Employers and Recruiters:
Find Top Candidates Fast

Let StandOut streamline your hiring process. With customizable video interviews, you get an accurate first impression of each candidate before they even walk in the door.

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StandOut is provided by CollegeNET — serving higher education, career preparation, and recruitment for more than 40 years